Institutional support
Our grateful thanks to all who have helped us in this project,at the Soprintendenza speciale per i beni archeologici di Pompei, Ercolano e Stabiae (SSBA-PES), for the necessary permits to work at and document Insula V1. We would also like to thank the Custodians in charge of the Insula.
Thanks to the Museo Archeologico Nazionale di Napoli (MANN) for letting us into both exhibition and storerooms for study and photography. We are also grateful for helpful access to its Archivio Storico.
We are very happy for the permit from the Royal Academy of Fine Arts of Stockholm to document, index and publish their collection of drawings and watercolours made in Pompeii by Swedish architects in the 18th century.
Special thanks to both the SSBA-PES and the Museo Archeologico Nazionale di Napoli (MANN) for loans of objects and support related to the exhibition Pompeji at the MillesgÄrden, Stockholm 16.9 2014 - 18.5 2015.
Anne-Marie Leander Touati