East Wall


A. Karivieri & R. Forsell

The east wall is located between 27 and atrium V 1,26b. It has a north-south orientation.

Description: The wall is built in opus incertum and consists mostly of lava, some cruma, limestone, a couple of tiles and some pieces of travertine. In the north part of the wall, on both sides of the entrance towards the atrium of 26, there are large limestone blocks. The wall below the entrance is constructed of mortar, pieces of tiles, limestone, terracotta and spolia; the lower edge of the wall is covered by grey mortar. In the centre of this wall there is a conduit, the south edge of which is located 0.90 m from the north wall. Immediately attached to it, but at a lower level, is a terracotta pipe, diam. 9 cm, located 0.40 m from the north wall. The upper limit of the conduit seems to start ca 0.30 m above the terracotta pipe.

Wall-plaster: Wall-plaster of the lower part of the middle zone is preserved at both north and south corners of the wall. In the northern corner, remains of both wall plaster and plaster coating are preserved. The wall-plaster is white in the southern corner of the wall. In the central part of the wall, by the entrance to V 1,26b, plaster coating is preserved in the upper main zone and the lower part of the upper zone.

State of preservation: The upper part of the wall is missing and the uppermost part of the standing structure is reconstructed.

There is a long vertical crack in the centre of the wall, which has been repaired in modern times. The crack is cut by a horizontal depression, ca 1.30 m wide, with larger holes in both ends where stones are missing.

Door opening to V 1,26b

The doorframes are built of large limestone blocks that are especially large on the northern side. The entrance is placed 0.57 m above floor level. Two steps are leading up to the floor level of the atrium of 26.

Dimensions: w. 1.25

Lower step h. 0.35m, upper step h. 0.22m.

Dimensions: l. 5.56m; h. 5.10m

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