

Thomas Staub

Threshold between Tablinum13 and peristyle b
This threshold, which much restored after excavation serves at the same time as the uppermost of the two steps between the two areas. The central part of the threshold consist in total of modern concrete, framed on both sides by first a tile and then a side plate made of travertine. On both side plates the southernmost parts are broken off and missing. The west side plate is placed 0.18 m from the doorframe, in-between a lava stone is inserted. The original dimension was probably 0.26 x 0.54 m with a languet (0.03 x 0.05 m) at its north edge. At 0.32 m from the north edge, 0.03 from the west edge a rectangular indentation (0.12 x min. 0.13 x 0.015 m) is inserted, showing some remains of iron. The east side plate, situated at the corresponding place near the east doorframe was probably 0.27 x 0.495 m large and shows a similar indentation, 0.31 m from the north edge, 0.02 from the east edge. The width is 0.13 m, 0.01 m deep, the length can, due to the damages, not be determined anymore.

The transition between the Tablinum13 and atrium4 is marked by geometrically set rows of white marble tesserae.

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