North Wall
Thomas Staub
North wall: width: 3.30 m, max. preserved height: 5.00 m (upper 0.50 - 0.80 m as modern reconstructions). The wall is erected on top of the pavement, which continues underneath the wall and covers the floor of cubiculum7 as well. The wall is partly covered by plaster and partly by modern concrete. Where visible, the wall consists of an opus incertum of mixed pieces, both broken and hewn, of Sarno stone, cruma, lava, tuff, travertine, spolias of plaster and signinum floor, set into a yellowish, quite sandy, mortar. At 0.65 and 2.65 m distance from the north west corner, in 1.30 m and in 1.95 m height, four beam holes, 0.05 x 0.06 m - 0.08 x 0.10 m large are visible, probably remains of a cupboard. One hole, in 2.70 m height, accentuated by the framing in modern concrete, probably results from a missing stone.
North wall of the anteroom: width: 0.65 m (doorpost to room 6, 0.50 m), max. preserved height: 4.45 m. The opening has an internal width of 0.84 m, and, since the eastern side is cut off obliquely, on the atrium-side of 0.80 m. Above the modern lintel, a 0.05 - 0.35 m high area shows a modern reconstruction, and above this, the wall consists of an opus incertum of Sarno stone pieces and red cruma in reddish mortar. In the opening towards room 6, a Sarno stone block is visible in ca. 2.00 m height. In 2.55 m height a further block, with a visible width 0.45 m, seems to bind into the east wall. Above this, one large block, partly covered with plaster, stretches along the complete surface, above this, the mixed opus incertum with Sarno stone and red cruma in reddish mortar continues.