East Wall
Thomas Staub
Width: 4.25 m, max preserved height: 4.1 m. The lower part of the wall (up to 2.45 – 3.25 m height) consists of an almost pure opus incertum of lava, with some blocks of sarno stone and cruma. In the lower s-e corner some larger sarno stone blocks (up to 0.65 x 0.2 m) are integrated. A part of the central part is still covered by plaster. Since this wall is the dividing wall towards rooms 16 and 17 of the Casa del Torello, the construction of this wall in the “Torello-typical” materials is expected. The uppermost part is made up of more mixed materials, partly in rectangular form and could thus be a modern repair. Several cavities (filled in after the latest restauration) in the wall, placed randomly might be the result of fallen out stones.