East Wall


Renée Forsell

Inner part, partition wall between inner and outer part of room c.
The wall is a secondary built partition wall between the outer and inner part of room c. The wall is built in op. incertum and consists of limestone, tufa, lava and a few cruma stones. Along the doorway there is a mix of cut limestone and tufa blocks and op. incerum. The wall is reconstructed from the level of the lintel block and up. A line of tiles marks the reconstruction level. A new wooden lintel was inserted during the reconstruction in 2010/11.
The mortar is greyish and tempered with large pieces of lime and lava. Modern mortar covers the middle and upper part of the wall.

A patch of plaster still remains in situ on the lower S part of the wall. The yellowish surface is weathered but has the same finish as the plaster in the outer E wall. Some small stones have remains of plaster coating. There are also remains of plaster coating along the S feature. It continues beneath the feature showing that the wall is older than the present level of the feature.

Outer part
The wall is made in op. incertum and consists of limestone, cruma and lava stones, some tufa stones and some spolia i.e small pieces of travertine. The upper part of the wall is missing and the upper S part is reconstructed as is indicated by tiles. The S part, along the doorway, is built in op. quadratum and consist of cut blocks of tufa, limestone and cruma. Some of the stones are blackened as by fire.
The mortar is mostly yellowish buff and tempered with small pieces of lime and lava. Near the floor, up to 0.60m, the mortar is grey. In the middle of the wall (0.90-1.50m) modern grey mortar has been applied.

Wall plaster is found still in situ in two small areas along the N corner. Plaster coating can also be seen in two small areas along it, one by the floor another between the two plaster-remains.

inner part:wall h. 2.15m; w. 2.02m; w. doorway 0.79m

outer part: wall h. op. incertum 3.20-3.04m; h. op. quadratum = level of lintel block 2.22m; l. 1.00m (op. incertum 60-70 op. quadratum)

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