Room 5

This almost square room is located in the NW part of the house and it opens up to the atrium. The upper parts of the walls are reconstructed in modern times. The E walls, built mainly in brick sized tufa blocks in op. quadratum are unusually thick 0.5 m. The fact that it stands on the threshold and that the S wall is built into it suggests a rebuilding aiming at reinforcement of these walls.
Beam holes in the northern wall shows the room had an upper floor. The opposite southern wall is reconstructed and therefore no beam-holes are to be seen there. There is no traces of any staircase in the room instead the upper floor was accessed from the neighbouring taberna 30 through a door in the upper part of the west wall.

There are remains of a cocciopesto floor in the S part of the room.

The remains of wall plaster are badly damaged and preserved only on patches. The best-preserved parts are in the lower zone of the walls on both sides of the entrance.

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