Room 3
Renée Forsell
The room was investigated in 2011. It is a corridor located in the SE corner of the house is leading from V 1,7, Casa del Torello di Bronzo, into the atrium of V 1,3. Originally there were three door openings. The one leading into the SE corner of the atrium was framed by large lime stone blocks and had a lava threshold. A second opening, in the north wall leading into room 4, was later closed and covered with wall plaster. The East door opening leading into V 1,7 was walled up in modern times
The walls were covered with wall plaster of which there is some remains on the north, south and east walls, although now without colour. There are also plaster remains on the E wall running behind the N wall, which shows that the N wall was erected later. The corridor had a lava pesta floor, today badly damaged. The lava threshold shows that the corridor could be closed towards the atrium with doors opening into the corridor.
L: 4.00 (N), 3.62 (S)
W: 1.68