A. Karivieri & R. Forsell
The basin is located in the southeast corner of the taberna. It is coated with white water resistant plaster.
The bottom of the basin is bevelled and in the southeast corner there is a triangular raised platform. In the northeast corner, pieces of the basin rim are still in situ at the bottom of the basin, where they had fallen. The height of the basin walls can be estimated to have been at least 0.50 m, considering the preserved remains of plaster in the northeast and southwest corners.
The first lavapesta floor was made in connection with the basin walls. The basin is connected to a cistern at the western side.
Organic material was found in the bottom of the basin. This was examined at the Archaeological Research Laboratory at Stockholm University and found to contain alum, a substance used as a fixative when dyeing cloth.
Short cuttings are visible on the vertical, inner north side of the basin, where falling material had hit the plaster surface.
Dimensions: inner N-S 1.43 m, E-W 2.20 m; walls of basin, th. 0.20 m; h. ≥ 0.50 m.
Bottom bevelling: w. 0.15 m; h. 0.10-0.15 m.