Room d


A. Karivieri & R. Forsell

Room d is quadratic in shape, measuring 3.0 by 3.0m. It opens to the atrium in the south by a door opening lined by large Sarno limestone blocks. The door opening is 1.23 m wide and it has an Apennine limestone threshold. The lintel block is missing.

The room also opens to the alae in the east by a smaller door opening that is 0.8 m wide and 1.75 m high.

The room is remarkable as it has remains of both First and Fourth style wall painting. The upper zone and the cornice are made in the First style while the middle zone and the dado are painted in the Fourth style. The wall plaster is damaged and no motives can be distinguished in the middle zone. The red dado was decorated with green and yellow dots.

The room has remains of a cocciopesto floor with rows of white tesserae.

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