North Wall


A. Karivieri & R. Forsell

North wall
The wall is located between 26c, 24b and 23c. It has an east-west orientation.

The wall is built in opus incertum and consists mostly of limestone, some lava, cruma, and some pieces of terracotta. In the northeast corner an area that is ca 0.95 m wide and 0.80 m high shows two layers of construction. The layer between the heights of 0.40-0.80 m above floor level, includes several spolia, a large cocciopesto piece, terracotta, limestone and horizontal layers of wall plaster. In the northeastern corner there is a ca 0.20 m wide area of original wall where plaster coating is preserved.

There are remains of wall plaster preserved up to the height of 1.60 m. The background is white with a red stripe in the west corner and vertical and horizontal stripes towards the centre.

State of preservation:
The upper part is missing and the uppermost part is reconstructed.
The modern restoration reaches from 1.60 m upward.



Remains of modern supporting plaster show that there must have been larger areas of wall plaster left in the eastern part of the wall. We cannot see any evidence of a door opening towards 24b as published in the plan of Eschebach.

Dimensions: l. 3.82 m; h. 4.15 m.

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