Room c
A. Karivieri & R. Forsell
Room c opens up to the north side of atriumb. The door opening is built with large Sarno limestone blocks. The lintel is missing. The door opening is 1.20m wide. It has an Apennine limestone threshold. The walls were made in opus incertum consisting of mostly limestone with some cruma, lava, pieces of tiles and spolia. The room measures 3.10 m (N-S) x 3.82 m (E-W). The uppermost parts of the walls are reconstructed.
The walls have remains of coarse-grained wall-plaster and in some of the layers there are chop marks, indicating redecoration.
The room has scant remains of a cocciopesto floor.
Several of the recorded finds from the 1875 excavations were found in this room.