West Wall


A. Karivieri & R. Forsell

The wall located between room b and a.
It has a north-south orientation.

Description: the wall is built in opus incertum and consists of limestone, lava and some cruma. In the southern part the wall consists mainly of lava, but the northern part is built in limestone and a piece of tuff. The limestone in the northern part is mostly cut blocks, while in the southern part the stones are rounded, ca. 10-20 cm in size. A door opening in the wall is located off centre, 0.32 m from the north corner. A large block covers the entrance at the door opening, 1.24 m from the southern corner of the wall. Further, the northern frame of the southern part of the wall has fallen down. However, the northern part of the wall presumably continued to the edge of the large block. Judging from its position in relation to the border of the cocciopesto floor, the large block has moved from its original position ca 5 cm towards 24a.

In the southern part one layer of wall-plaster can be discerned on the wall behind the cocciopesto floor.

State of preservation:
The upper parts of the two wall sections are missing. There are some remains of wall plaster.

Dimensions: total length 2.41; h. of northern part 2.36; h. of southern part 1.83-2.27; w. of door-opening 1.16 m.

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