Three levels of pavements were discovered during the documentation of 2000:
1) Lowermost flooring from the western part of the tablinum to the niche in the east: blackpainted lavapestaopus signinum paving (white-grey), above it black wallplaster.
2) C. 10 cm above the first pavement a second floor layer, a red cocciopesto layer with small pieces of pottery and small stone inbedded in white mortar.
3) C. 10 cm above the cocciopesto floor, against the niche, opus signinum, with pieces of pottery, tiles and small stones.
1) Lowermost flooring from the western part of the tablinum to the niche in the east: blackpainted lavapestaopus signinum paving (white-grey), above it black wallplaster.
2) C. 10 cm above the first pavement a second floor layer, a red cocciopesto layer with small pieces of pottery and small stone inbedded in white mortar.
3) C. 10 cm above the cocciopesto floor, against the niche, opus signinum, with pieces of pottery, tiles and small stones.