

Susanna BlÄndman

The threshold consists of three different parts. The west part is a singular block of Sarno stone. The surface is uneven and to some extent broken, for example in the southeast corner. There is a patch of plaster on both the north and the south side of the block. The patch on the north side is 0.25 m long and the patch on south side is 0.08 m long. The central part of the threshold is an area built of different types stones and mortar, located at a distance of 0.70 m from the west side of the doorway. The upper side consists of cruma, Sarno stones, a fragment of terracotta and a large amount of mortar. The mortar is most likely modern. There is plaster along almost the entire north side.

The third part of the threshold is the protuberance that starts at the south wall in room 4 and continues around the corner of the doorway. The protuberance is made of fragments of terracotta, one Sarno stone and mortar. The mortar is brownish and contains small fragments of lava. There is also a small amount of modern mortar. No floor remains abut on the threshold.

West part: L: 0.70 m (S); 0.64 m (N); 0.43 m (E) and 0.39 m (W)

Central part: L: 0.52 m (S); 0.57 m (N); 0.35 m (E) and 0.35 m (W)

Protuberance: L: 0.15 m (S); 0.26 m (N); 0.45 m (W) and 0.14 - 0.28 m (E)

Elevation: 32.39 m.a.s.l. on the central part

Room 4, threshold towards room 3.
Room 4, threshold towards room 3.
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