West Wall
Henrik Boman & Monika Nilsson
The west wall of the viridarium constitutes the east wall of room g. It is completely destroyed, most likely in connection with the WW II bomb hits in the area. Only a short stretch of the foundation, 0.6m in length, is preserved at its southern end.
The slanting position of these few stones indicates that the wall was forced to the east by significant power, which is coherent with an explosion of one of the two bombs that hit the area. There are no bounding stones preserved in the N wall; this wall is however also badly damaged.
The wall had originally a window into room g, but it was sealed for the construction of the oven in the open space between room g and the pluteus of the viridarium.
Rebuilding in 2008
The wall was completely rebuilt in 2008. The filled-in window was not included in the reconstruction.