South Wall
Henrik Boman & Monika Nilsson
The wall is, since this area was hit by a bomb in 1943, heavily destroyed.
The basic design is that of limestone blocks at each end and at the doorways, with opus incertum in between. The latter is today presumably almost exclusively modern, except for the courses of stone close to the floor.
Remains of plaster are found on individual blocks and as a continuous surface running close to the floor. One larger area of plaster is found at c. 1.40 m height, at the SW door post. At the eastern end, by the so-called table, the wall is constructed of five rectangular blocks, very badly fitted, and with abundant modern mortar in between, due to the large joints.
At the E end are the fragmentary remains of a plaster pilaster still in situ.
The measurements of the South wall: L: 4.25 m and H: 3.49 m.