West Wall
Henrik Boman & Monika Nilsson
The stone dressing of W wall in room e is missing completely on the southern and upper part of the wall (I) . The mortar in the core of the wall is light grey, with stones used as reinforcing material. The remainder of the wall (II) is breached at three locations; two of them in connection with the large block near the N wall (2-4). The wall is in major parts opus incertum with some larger stones (1-5) used in the lower region of the wall, including one, somewhat leaning, orthostat, which is also visible in room b. This block, located in the lower NW corner, is broken in several pieces (2-4), though from room b it is possible to see that it is one single block. The block extends through the opus quadratum façade and is visible as block J in the N façade. The technique is otherwise limestone opus incertum with some cruma, a few lava and very few tufa spread over the wall. There is a slight concentration of cruma in an area just above the floor in the centre of the wall. Otherwise, no concentration of any specific stones can be discerned. Some reused tiles have been used at different locations.
The closed door
On this side of the wall it is not possible to see the closed door that is traceable in room b. One can, however, see a horizontal line in the wall just above the large block (2-4), though it is very faint. There is a significant difference in floor levels between the rooms, the floor of room e being c. 0.43m higher, and this might be the reason that the closed door is more difficult to discern this side of the wall. The difference in floor levels is a feature we have yet to understand.
A rectangular, well-cut hole (a) is found in block 2, 0.64m above the floor and 0.90m from the N wall. Its size (H: 0.05m; W: 0.12m) fits the end of a wooden board.
Plaster: Very few remains of plaster are found on the wall and the mortar is heavily eroded, except for the area above the large stone (2-4). For the relation floor-wall, see V 1,13 room e, floor.
The floors — difference in height
A measurement of the difference in height between rooms b and e was made from the same point of the large orthostat in the wall between the rooms.
Height in room b: 1.055m
Height in room e: 0.625m
Difference: 0.43m