Room d


Henrik Boman & Monika Nilsson

Room d, reached through corridor c, gives access to rooms e and f. The S wall is only preserved in the E section, the rest was destroyed in the 1943 aerial bombing of Pompeii. Both the cocciopesto floor and an earlier lavapesta floor underneath it, are likewise heavily destroyed.

The cocciopesto floor is heavily damaged and applied above a lavapesta floor, which shows signs of being damaged in an earthquake.

A long bench, with a partly covered mouth to a cistern in the centre, is preserved along the S wall. The function of the installation is unclear.

The preserved foundation of a staircase gives witness to access to an upper floor, of which no traces remain today. The first step, the platform, was built in two phases.

In the NE corner, the remains of a dismantled room are visible in the floor. The room, with its then existing decoration, was described by Mau. Today the NE corner cannot be investigated since the supports for the scaffolds for the S wall are placed here. In addition, the area is covered in the debris of post-war dumping.

This room has traces of several building phases: the earlier lavapesta floor, the dismantled room, and the staircase.

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