Archive - Main Documentation

This core section of the website contains the detailed documentation of Insula V 1. The content can be accessed either through the interactive plan below or through the clickable scroll down menu on the left side of the screen. Here the documentation can be found house by house, room by room, wall by wall and feature by feature.
All the photos are, except when stated else, by Hans Thorwid, who also created the orthophotographic mosaics, which are used for the images of larger surfaces or were the space conditions were cramped.
The plans for the northern part of the Insula are mostly based on drawings by Ezequiel Pinto Guillaume, partly combined with results from the scanning work, which is also the base for the plans of the southern part of the Insula, mainly processed by Henrik Boman.


You can navigate to the different houses and their respective rooms here.

V 1,1.32 Taberna1267V 1,2 Taberna345V 1,3 House1234567abcdV 1,4 Tinctoria123V 1,5 Tinctoria12V 1,6 TabernaV 1,7 Casa del Torello1234567891011121314151617181920abcdefghiklV 1,8 TabernaV 1,13 CauponaabcdefV 1,14-16 Bakeryabcdefghi14i16hV 1,17 TabernaV 1,18 Casa degli Epigrammi Greciabcdefghiklmm’nopqrstuvv’wxyzV 1,19 TabernaV 1,20-21 TabernaabcdefV 1,22 TabernaV 1,23 Casa di Caecilius Iucundus - North Houseabcdd’efghh’ikll’mnopqV 1,24 TabernaabV 1,25 TabernaV 1,26 Casa di Caecilius Iucundus - South Houseabcdefghikll'mnopqrstuV 1,27 TabernaV 1,28 Casa di Tofelanus ValensabcdefghV 1,29 TabernaV 1,30 Taberna12V 1,31 Taberna123
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