South Wall


Henrik Boman & Monika Nilsson

The S wall in room e is almost completely destroyed; today its stands up to a height of only c. 0.30m and these remains are in a very bad state of preservation. We were not able to remove all the earth above and between the stones since the wall would then collapse. The wall was cleaned to a state where we could conclude that it was built in limestone, reused brick and tiles with a fairly large amount of mortar in between. Some plaster (UP) still remains; however, these fragments are very dirty and difficult to analyse (according to Carin Pettersson). The outer surface (facing S) on the W part of the wall seems to have fallen off, since the wall is thicker in the E part. The S wall appears to be a thin, intersecting inner wall, with a small anta (c. 0.16 m on the inside) to the door in the SE corner.

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